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Departmental things
- Daily huddle happens at 8am, 5pm and 10pm please ensure you are there to present your patients
- Senior Reviews (ensure the review is documented):
- Child under 1yr
- Atraumatic Chest Pain >30yrs
- Abdo Pain >70yrs
- Return under 72 hrs (with the same condition)
- Nursing Roles (unique to ED)
- Nurse in Charge: They keep our department flowing, and need to know what is happening to your patients. Keep them updated with plans and referrals Or they will pester you.
- Triage Nurses: They make a triage assessments, set priority and stream the patients to the most appropriate area. (they have <5min/patient). The information they document is really important – read it! But remember its a quick initial assessment and wont be perfect.
- Multitalented HCA’s: They perform many roles in ED, bloods, cannulas, dressings, PoP’s and much more
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