Trauma in the ED…Day 2 of Trauma Care 2019

  • Should ED manage the Trauma airway?
    For: Dr Simon Laing @simon_laing
    Against : Dr Felicity Clark @felicityjeclark

A debate with an ED consultant for and an Anaethestist against.
The eventual conclusion was that it doesn’tmatter who manages the airway as long as they are trained, competant and current with good governance in place.

  • Chest tubes in Trauma – Mr Richard Steyn
    Bigger drains aren’t always better however they need to be able to drain without blocking or clotting, not kink, secured appropriately.

Prime drains with sterile saline and thoracic surgeons can cell save blood.

Flutter bags for chest drains rather underwater seals are likely to be easier to manage until a ptoent gets to definitive thoracic care.
Chest drains should only be clamped to change bottle.

  • Non-compressible torso harmhorrhage NCTH- Surgeon Commander ED Barnard @edbarn

Is REBOA effective in a TCA?
Haemorrhage is the leading cause of survivable trauma death, external haemorrhage has been reduced by the use of tourniquets.
We dont know if REBOA works but the key is placing REBOA during the low output state rather than during arrest.
The REBOA trial is ongoing.

Haemostatic agents for catastrophic haemorrhage – squadron leader Robert james

Major harmhorrhage is the major cause of preventable death in Trauma
A system approach improves survival.
Trauma chain of survival…
Early first aid, advanced Prehospital care, damage control resucitation and excellent rehabilitation.

  • Simulation in Major trauma – Simon Mercer

Simulation allows people to rehearse skills in a risk free environment.

Functional fidelity (does it work like real), physical fidelity(does it look real), psychological fidelity (does it make people feel real).

  • Moral Injury – Esther Murray @Em_Healthpsych

Moral injuries – Witnessing incidents which contravene your moral code
Most of those affected by incidents will not have a diagnosable mental disorder.
If you are stuck processing/reliving something you are less available to your team, it reduces your bandwith therefore you can’t offer support and empathy to colleagues.

It is often the little things that stick with you after a job, talking about it needs acknowledgement that it has affected you. Forced intervention is really bad for people, not everyone will be ready to talk at the same time, some will never want to talk. Providing spaces to talk is more important.

  • Head Injury Prognostication – Professor Mark Wilson @markhwilson

SDH and EDH are not brain Injuries, the secondary brain injury occurs if these are not treated.
What time point are we prognosticating at? At times etc of injury or 6 hours later when bleeding has occurred due to antiplatelets?

Prognostication needs to occur over a few hours, resucitation needs to have occurred, the duration of observation is a clinical judgement.

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