Lots of good stuff again from the virtual #RCEMasc21 – here are a few of the topics that got me thinking Read more
Category: Teaching
Teaching – Palliative Care
As we know everybody dies, but recognition and palliation of the dying patient can be difficult. One of our palliative care consultants Mary Keily has produced a video on “End of life care medicines”.
- We also have the Palliative care bundles in our quick orders on EPR, to make prescribing easier.

Insitu SIM Instructions

SIMNews – Issue 1- Massive PE
Click here to download the poster
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Running insitu SIM at CHT means we to learn and share our learning
@cazandal, @chftedsim
EMbeds guide on how to manage PE’s here

SIMNews- Issue 2- Acute Pulmonary Oedema
Click here to view on another tab
Running insitu SIM at CHT means we to learn and share our learning
@cazandal, @chftedsim
EMbeds pulmonary oedema guidelines

SIMNews – Issue 3- Anaphylaxis
Click here to download the poster
Click here to view on another tab
Running insitu SIM at CHT means we to learn and share our learning
@cazandal, @chftedsim
NIPPV 3 machines are used throughout the trust to deliver NIV and CPAP – and should be commenced in ED if transfer to ward/ICU is adding significant delay
- NIV/CPAP is NOT an Aerosol Generating Proceedure (AGP) [as of Sept 2022]
- CPAP/EPAP levels of 8-15cmH2O
This video demonstrates how to set up CPAP on the NIPPV 3
Fascia Iliaca Block – FIB
#EUSEM2020 (virtual conference)
My first virtual conference – has been great to dip in and out of all the streams at my leisure. Just a shame they didn’t send some Danish liquorice.
So here is my Summary…..(Kids, Resus, Heads, Others)
Sepsis – Teaching
A quick but more in-depth than just red-flags and buffalo, sepsis teaching. Covering the pathophysiology and treatment of sepsis
we will follow it up with a teams teaching on: Wednesday August 5th 2020