Category: Uncategorized


To maintain or restore patency of the ductus arteriosus

Only to be used in infants who are ventilated or where ventilation is immediately available

DO NOT DELAY IN STARTING Alprostadil if: there is clinical
suspicion of duct dependent CHD while waiting for paediatric cardiology opinion OR echocardiogram, even when in-house echo facilities are present.

PDF: Alprostidil


Welcome to EMbeds

We have up dated the previous site dragonED

To find guides you can either use

  1. Search field
  2. Knowledge link

Why the change: theres a few reasons

  1. Patient information leaflets -are currently getting uploaded
  2. Add learning resources – such as the up coming ED journal club
  3. Increase involvement – interesting cases can be posted from numerous authors (so get involved and spread your knowledge)
  4. Flow us on twitter @EMbeds_Learning and you will be alerted to any updates

We hope you like it but feel free to tell us how you would like it improved.