Author: embeds

Insect bites and stings

Advise people with an insect bite or sting that:

  • a community pharmacist can advise about self-care treatments
  • skin redness and itching are common and may last for up to 10 days
  • it is unlikely that the skin will become infected
  • avoiding scratching may reduce inflammation and the risk of infection
  • they should seek medical help if symptoms worsen rapidly or significantly at any time, or they become systemically unwell.

Be aware that:

  • a rapid-onset skin reaction from an insect bite or sting is likely to be an inflammatory or allergic reaction, rather than an infection
  • most insect bites or stings will not need antibiotics.

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Neonatal Seizures

Seizures are a common neurological emergency in the neonatal period, occurring in 1–5 per 1000 live births.1 The majority of neonatal seizures are provoked by an acute illness or brain insult with an underlying aetiology either documented or suspected, that is, these are acute provoked seizures (as opposed to epilepsy). They are also invariably focal in nature.

Clinical diagnosis of neonatal seizures is difficult. This is in part because there may be no, or very subtle, clinical features, and also because neonates frequently exhibit non-epileptic movements that can be mistaken for epileptic seizures.

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Get-There-Itis (Plan Continuation Bias)

The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) are well-aware of the dangers of Plan Continuation Bias:

“The continuation of an original plan even with the availability of new information that suggests that the plan should be abandoned or at least updated.” AKA Get-There-Itis.

Get-There-Itis has been the cause of multiple fatal air-accidents, where pilots have allowed stressors to bias their decision making, and fatally stick to a failing plan. But… these stressors effect everyone and clinicians are not immune!

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Suspected/Confirmed patients should be ISOLATED & wear PPE 

Treating Staff – (should not be; non-immunised, pregnant or immunocompromised)

  • single-use, disposable gloves
  • single-use, disposable apron (or gown if extensive splashing or spraying, or performing an aerosol generating procedure (AGP))
  • FFP3 – respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
  • eye/face protection (goggles or visor)


  • Surgical face mask


  • Measles is highly infectious – (4 day prior to and after rash appears) suspected patients should be isolated within the ED
  • Measles Immunisation – 1 dose 90% effective, 2 doses 95% effective
  • Measles is a notifiable disease

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