Category: speciality

Mpox (Formerly: Monkeypox)

Wear Gloves & Wash Your Hands!!!

There have been >100 patients identified as having Mpox in the UK during the current outbreak. Most of these cases have been amongst men who have sex with men.

Reports have suggested that although lesions occur any where including palms and soles. Genital lessons and lymphadenopathy are very common

March 2024 – UKHSA warn there is increasing cases in DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo), so stay vigilant in travellers from central Africa.



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Lower Limb DVT

Signs and Symps

No single feature is diagnostic:

  • Single limb oedema – Most specific
  • Leg pain – 50% but is nonspecific
  • Calf pain on dorsiflexion of the foot (Homan’s sign)
  • Tenderness of deep veins – 75% of patients
  • Warmth AND/OR erythema (although blanching is possible)
  • A palpable, indurated, cordlike, tender subcutaneous venous segment

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